3650 days of experience in 2 mins — Tips for new parents

Neha Cougnery
2 min readJun 21, 2020

I have a 10-year-old daughter and a 15-year-old salary account. Been juggling tantrums, client deadlines, and doctor’s appointments for 3650 days and counting. Years of trial and error condensed in a 2-minute read for you.

Like mommy… like baby!
  1. Set a routine ASAB — As Soon As Birth: Babies have patterns. At 1 month, both you and baby will need feeding, bathing, snuggle time, and frequent nap times. Be mentally prepared to fix a routine. Mothers who follow routines are more relaxed and able to look after themselves too.
  2. Ask for help: Self-sufficiency is overrated. Take help from your partner, family, and friends. Start small, 30-minute stretches, gradually increasing it. It will help you and baby get used to being away from each other.

Pro tip: Ensure your partner is 100% involved in the process. If you are flying solo help the person caring for baby get used to baby quirks — write tips and timings down it helps!

3. Breathe: Keep your back straight and breathe slowly and deeply without making any sound. As baby gets older, find 15 mins across your day (except immediately after meals) or anytime you feel overwhelmed to breathe for a minimum of 5 minutes at a stretch.

Pro tip: Do this every time you breastfeed your baby.

4. Therapy: Feeling dark and dull post-baby for extended periods of time could be Post Partum Depression. Even mild PPD can mess up work and motherhood (as I found out the hard way). Don’t shy away from taking professional help, it will make sure you get back to your old self faster.

5. Cultivate an indoor hobby: This is your gateway to a better life, not just as a mother but as an individual. Commit an hour each week to a home/ kitchen garden/ online music lessons/ reading/ writing or art. Anything that makes you happy.

I had started a blog called Babylogic. It gave me immense joy and I created more than a few client pitches using insights from it!

There will still be challenges and times you feel overwhelmed, but these tips will keep them few and far between. Use any one of the 5 as an answer to a challenge and you will find success.

